Trail Ramblings: Wilderness Park Construction Update

As a regular visitor to Wilderness Park, I’ve been eagerly keeping an eye on the many projects currently underway. With several nearing completion, I thought it would be a great time to update the BicycLincoln community on the progress and what’s being accomplished in our amazing park.

Rock Island Trail Extension / Danger Bridge Update

The Rock Island Trail Extension is the project that is overseeing the retrofitting of an old Rock Island train bridge, affectionately known by the community as “Danger Bridge,” with a new deck and all-weather surface trails. This will not only officially connect the east and west ends of the park but also link Rock Island directly to Wilderness Park. The project has been a long time coming, and it’s been exciting to see the progress over the past year. From streambed stabilization, grading, and adding crushed limestone near the bridge, to pouring the concrete deck molds and recently installing the deck itself—steady progress is being made. While we’re all eager for its opening, the city asks everyone to stay off the bridge until the work is fully completed, as it’s not yet safe for crossing.

Rokeby and Highway 77 Bridge

On the southwest end of the park, near Highway 77 and Rokeby Road, there was once a trail connection to a loop off Rokeby via the Highway 77 right-of-way. However, that trail was removed in recent years by order of the NDOT, leaving users at a dead end and limiting access to the loop off Rokeby Road, marked by trail marker 66. This new bridge will reconnect users to that loop and revitalize activity on the nearly forgotten trails in the park’s southern area.

As shown in the photo, construction on the bridge is well underway. The crane, visible from Highway 77, has been on-site for several weeks, and from what I observed, much of the dirt work appears to be nearly complete. It looks like the bridge installation could happen very soon.

Cardwell Low-Water Crossing Project

The Cardwell Low-Water Crossing, or “the Creek Crossing,” had become quite steep and challenging to navigate in recent years, both on foot and by bike. This crossing is just a bit south of the project happening at Danger Bridge on the west side of Wilderness Park. Only a few skilled mountain bikers could manage the crossing cleanly by bike, leaving most to dismount and hike their bikes across the difficult terrain. The project involved installing culverts to improve water flow under the trail, reduce erosion on both sides, and create a safer, more accessible crossing for all park visitors.

As shown in the photo to the right, the project has been completed. The “closed for construction” signs have now been moved further north, where work on the Rock Island Bridge continues, and this crossing is officially open to all. The slope is now much gentler and rideable for most users, including younger riders still developing their skills and families out for a leisurely stroll through the park.

That’s all the updates I have for today, there’s always stuff going on in the park and even more updates coming down the pipes. Get out there and enjoy them once they’re open, it’s truly a unique place and the city is doing their part to make it better for everyoene!

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