Trail Ramblings: Community Outreach.

The last two weekends BicycLincoln has tabled at the Festival Latino and the Harvest Moon Festival at Antelope Park. We wanted to connect with the community and get feedback from a survey on ways to make bicycling better in Lincoln. When I asked those who came up to our table if they liked to ride a bicycle, I always got a smile. Riding a bike seems a fundamental bringer of smiles to nearly everyone. I next asked where they liked to ride. Most mentioned trails near where they lived, but many, especially children, said near their houses or around their block. We ran out of GPTN trail maps pretty quickly, which showed us that people are very interested in getting to know Lincoln’s trails, and which trails are close to where they live. You can see the map here.
Very few children said they ride to school, either because it’s too far, or because their parents take them. Some said they would like to ride to school if they could, so I explained how a bike bus works to their parents. Others, mainly adults, said they would love to ride a bike, but that they didn’t have one. These I directed to information about the Lincoln Bike Kitchen, now open at 308 S. 21 St. A few didn’t know how to ride at all. To these I gave information about the upcoming Adult and Teens Learn-to-Ride class on October 6 from 3-5 at 1875 N. 42 St. on East Campus.
People well knew which areas need trails and connections, so I encouraged them to take the survey and let us know. I encourage you all to take the survey, too. There are questions dealing with challenges to biking, improvements to bike infrastucture, bicycle education, events, and policy. Also, you can give feedback. To take the survey, scan the QR code, it will take you directly to the questions.

And, don’t forget that this Wednesday is the final open house for the MoPac East Connector Trail Study, Sept. 25, 2024 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. at Round the Bend Steakhouse Ballroom 30801 E Park Hwy, Ashland, NE 68003