Yes, I know many of you think you’d never ride outside in the winter, but let me give you some reasons why it’s good for you and why some of us enjoy it.
It gives you a different kind of workout. You won’t go as fast if there’s snow and ice but you’ll have a full body workout with the extra resistance, and the studded tires if you use them. Allow yourself more time to get to your destination.
Exercising in fresh air and sunshine helps combat seasonal affective disorder and boosts your mood. The cold air causes oxygen and mood hormones to be released to your brain.
Cold weather exercise boosts fat -burning metabolism. Training outdoors in the winter makes your body work harder.
Trails that may be crowded in the summer are all yours in the winter.

You may see more wildlife, you’ll certainly see their tracks. Parks are usually quieter.
Motorists may notice you more and be more careful around you.
Many riders spend the winter on their indoor trainers, which have gotten better over the years, but why not keep a bike ready for those days that the winter weather is too fine to stay indoors if you can. The more time you spend outdoors the better you will be able to tolerate the cold. It does require some trial and error to learn to dress in the proper layers for different temperature ranges and conditions. What is comfortable at the beginning of a ride may not be comfortable ten minutes later.
Do keep your bike clean. Winter conditions of slush and salt are hard on your drive train.
Keep up to date on road conditions and the weather forecast. And don’t forget your lights and water.
To learn more read this.