If you’ve ridden downtown in the last couple of days you may have noticed changes happening on P and Q streets. Paint has appeared marking bike lanes from 17th to 25th streets. 18th and 25th streets are on street bike routes which connect the new bike lanes to downtown, campus, and the Billy Wolff Trail.

From LTU’s project description:
The buffered bicycle lanes will include a minimum, 5-foot-wide painted bike lane with an up to 3-foot-wide painted cross hatch buffer on each side. The buffered bike lanes will be on the left side of the travel lane to help minimize conflict points with turning vehicle movements. Traffic operations may be further supported with modified traffic signs and protected bike phase signals at Antelope Valley Parkway. In select locations, flexible post delineators will be installed, directing vehicles away from the buffered bike lanes. The speed limit will also be reduced from 35mph to 30mph. An example of the buffered bike lane on āPā Street from Antelope Valley Parkway to 21st Street is below.

I am hoping that motorists respect the bike lanes and don’t encroach. More traffic-averse cyclists might find riding with traffic past 17th St. into downtown daunting, as the markings end.