You may have noticed the Lincoln Journal Star article today about the latest addition of our trail system to be funded. The Fletcher Landmark Trail, approved last week by the City Council, is being funded by the Federal Highway Administration. It will consist of a 1.8 mile trail connecting the 14th St. Trail to North Star High School. Construction will begin in the spring and be finished by fall. If you’ve ever ridden on Fletcher St. there, you know there’s not a lot of room for bikes. Connecting trails together is always a good thing.

The dotted green line will be the new trail. The dashed lines are on-street bike routes. The solid green line is existing trail.
Speaking of funding, a major funder of our trails in and around Lincoln is the Great Plains Trails Network. GPTN is having it’s 35th annual meeting at 1:00 on February 10th, in Cornhusker Bank’s community room, 8310 “O” St. This past year, GPTN has funded an addition to the Prairie Corridor on Haines Branch, and is continuing to raise funds for the Chris Beutler Trail in the Haymarket, improvements to the trails in Wilderness Park, and more. Events like Hub and Soul and Trail Trek help fund projects like these.

- The 35th annual meeting will include:
- Celebrating Bike Walk Nebraska’s Decade of Progress By Julie Harris -Bike Walk Nebraska
- A Comprehensive Update on Lincoln’s Trails By Allison Speicher – Lincoln Parks & Recreation Dept.
- Election of GPTN 2024 Board of Directors
- GPTN Annual Awards