BicycLincoln is an advocacy organization, and by extension I think of you, dear readers, also as advocates for bicycling. As such, I present to you a couple of transportation surveys that I hope many of you will be interested in completing. The first deals with the Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Agency (MPO). “The Lincoln MPO coordinates the planning activities of all transportation-related agencies in Lincoln and Lancaster County and adopts long range plans to guide transportation investments and decision-making.” I’m directing you to a page from the city planning department that explains the MPO more in detail. It includes a link to the actual survey among options midway down on the right side of the page. The online survey and comment form will only be available through July 31.

Also find out more about Lincoln’s Complete Streets program and Bike Lincoln.
The second survey comes from the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s website and involves the new Carbon Reduction Strategy. The CRS will “identify projects and strategies that reduce carbon emissions from transportation.” The aim is to “reduce transportation emissions while improving the safety, efficiency, accessibility of Nebraska’s transportation network.” This includes questions dealing with your use of cycling as transportation, so let them know there is a community of us that does this here. In Nebraska the transportation sector is the second largest creator of carbon emissions. The Carbon Reduction Strategy survey is now live and the public is invited to participate. This link will take you to a more in-depth explanation of the program. The actual survey Link is midway down the page, under Public Engagement.
On an almost completely unrelated topic, the GPBC Ice Cream Ride is this Saturday at 2:00. The ride will roll at party pace, so bring the kids. Meet on the Rock Island trail across from the Zoo at A street ready to ride to the Dairy Queen at 16th and Old Cheney. The Facebook event link is here.