We’re doing things a bit differently this year, but your part stays the same: Get out, ride your bike, and log your rides. Then join us for our End of Challenge party in early October (TBA) to win prizes and celebrate!
LoveToRide is no longer supporting the National Bike Challenge as we knew it in years past, so we are bringing it to the local level. We want to celebrate and encourage EVERYONE who gets on a bike this summer and this is a great way to be a part of the Lincoln bicycling community.
Quick Start Guide:
1. Ride your bicycle.
a. Ride for fitness
b. Ride for fun
c. Ride to work
d. Ride anywhere else
2. Track your rides on LoveToRide.net.
a. Create an account or log in
b. Join the BicycLincoln Club
c. Manually enter rides, link to your Strava or MapMyRide, or use the “Love To Ride” iPhone app
d. Count ALL utility rides as Commutes (work, store, appointments, etc.)
What is different:
Focus on commuting and utility rides. Celebrate number of rides, not just miles.
While BicycLincoln has always supported all types of riding, this year we would really like to celebrate the Commuters and Utility riders. We see you out there, riding to work, to the store, to appointments, day or night, in all sorts of weather. BicyLincoln as
an organization focuses on what goes on within the city limits, so we feel it just makes sense to focus on urban riders. But don’t worry, there will still be recognition for those high mileage riders (you know who you are 😊).
The best way we’ve seen to track commutes and utility rides is to track them all as Commutes. If you ride to work, make sure to flag it as a Commute. If you ride to the grocery store, or to the dentist, mark it as a Commute. Any other ride that replaces a car trip? Mark it as a Commute.
If you are manually entering or updating a ride on LoveToRide, only 2 options will count as a Commute on the LoveToRide Leader Boards. We would encourage you to use one of these options for ANY ride that replaces a car trip, regardless of whether it is actually to work or school.

What stays the same:
We will continue to utilize the LoveToRide platform to log ride and view leader boards. Login or create a new account at lovetoride.net and join the Bicyclincoln club to participate (click the + sign next to “My Clubs & Groups”).

There are several ways to log your rides:
Link to your Strava account to automatically log your rides on LoveToRide.
Link to your MapMyRide account to automatically log your rides on LoveToRide.
Use the “Love To Ride” iPhone app to log your rides. The Site says Android version coming soon
Manually enter your rides on the LoveToRide site.
In the past, we have seen some issues with Strava connectivity, so even if you are already linked, it is a good idea to check in
before the challenge starts and at least every few weeks to ensure your rides are getting logged on LoveToRide. This shows how to manually enter a ride on LoveToRide as well as where to click to connect to Strava or MapMyRide.

What stays the same:
We will continue to utilize the LoveToRide platform to log ride and
view leader boards. Login or create a new account at
lovetoride.net and join the Bicyclincoln club to participate (click
the + sign next to “My Clubs & Groups”).
There are several ways to log your rides:
Link to your Strava account to automatically log your rides
on LoveToRide.
Link to your MapMyRide account to automatically log your
rides on LoveToRide.
Use the “Love To Ride” iPhone app to log your rides. Site
says Android version coming soon
Manually enter your rides on the LoveToRide site.
In the past, we have seen some issues with Strava connectivity,
so even if you are already linked, it is a good idea to check in
before the challenge starts and at least every few weeks to
ensure your rides are getting logged on LoveToRide.
This shows how to manually enter a ride on LoveToRide as well as
where to click to connect to Strava or MapMyRide.