I was fortunate to grow up in safe neighbourhoods in Australia where I could bike by
myself. From a young age I was privileged to have had bikes. My parents didn’t own
bikes and didn’t bike with me. They were supportive though I wasn’t allowed to get a
BMX bike as those were for boys. Things were different then.
Biking for fun expanded my universe. I could adventure and explore farther especially
when I didn’t have a car. Even when I got one, biking could take me places cars couldn’t
go. I could pause whenever I wanted to savour the sights, sounds and scents; the ocean
breeze, waves crashing on rocky shores, New England Fall foliage, sunsets in town and
on the plains, bluestem and switchgrass rustling and blowing in unison, the fragrant
pines. I met people I otherwise wouldn’t have met, found friends and community. I got
into Strava Art (drawing pictures on maps whilst biking).

Bike commuting year-round to university and to work in Australia and in Boston, MA
saved tons of time compared with public transport or driving. I bike commute in Lincoln,
NE though it’s not any quicker. It is good for my health and well-being, and it’s
environmentally friendly. It’s safe and quiet on Lincoln’s trails so I can prepare for my
day going into work and reflect on my way home. Building physical activity into my
routine helps me stay healthy. It can be hard to go out again after a tiring day at work,
and after taking care of family. My daughters all like to bike, and it’s fun riding with

Biking including racing can be done at any age. Did you know there are many types of
biking, and there are amateur categories starting with beginners? I’ve raced track
(velodrome), then road, cyclocross, BMX five years ago, mountain biking after that, then
gravel last year. It’s a male dominated sport but spaces are being made for other
genders. I continue advocating for gender equality.

I survived being hit and run over and am reminded of it daily. There must have been a
reason. I keep wanting to make a difference. I bike every day outside because I can. I
think about people who can’t, people who don’t have access, and people who are scared.
Cycling and the community around it has enhanced the quality of my life, so I want it for
everyone. I want to help improve bike safety and the biking infrastructure equitably
across Lincoln, to help with education for bike safety, to help grow our biking community.
That’s why I wanted to join the board of BicycLincoln. It’s why I am the team director and
I coach for a mountain bike team for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers; Lancaster
Composite https://lancastermtb.com/, why I help with Nebraska GRiT (Girls Ride
Together) https://nebraskamtb.org/grit/, and Lincoln Devo
https://www.facebook.com/LincolnDEVO/. BicycLincoln’s mission speaks to me: “To
provide information and a unified voice for bicycle advocacy in an effort to make cycling
in Lincoln more friendly, safe, easy, accepted, and “so that more people bike and bike
more often.” I’m honoured to serve on the board.

#BikingIsForEveryone, #DriveLessBikeMore, #MoreGirlsOnBikes, #MoreKidsOnBikes,