I have several alerts for cyclists this week. First, the most time sensitive one. Tuesday 2/28 at 1:30 the appropriations committee, Sen. Robert Clements Chairperson, needs to hear the following from those who love the Cowboy Trail: 1) support the Game and Parks Commission’s budget request for more maintenance funding for the Cowboy Trail and 2) support funds to finish the Cowboy Trail between Valentine and Chadron. It’s also a crucial link in the Great American Rail Trail, of which Nebraska has the largest segment. The Cowboy Trail Coalition states that:
“In Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), a survey of constituents across the state found that of 28 options of facilities/activities available to people across the state, survey participants rated trails as the most important resources to have and are important to be added. The Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail is a highly valued state asset that the people of Nebraska want to have maintained and grown. As it stands today, the Cowboy Trail is the third largest park facility maintained by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and is a recreational amenity with broad appeal because it is appropriate for all ages, does not require special equipment, and connects 29 communities. Trail counters show that 67,000 trail uses occurred between May and October 2022.”

Along the Cowboy Trail
And from Jason Buss, president of the Nebraska Trails Foundation, these are the senators who sit on the appropriations committee who would benefit hearing from us. Share why trails and trail maintenance are important to you and ask for their support to fund maintenance and development of the Cowboy Trail.
Senators Email and Phone:
Sen. Robert Clements, Chairperson [email protected] (402) 471-2613
Sen. Christy Armendariz [email protected] (402) 471-2618
Sen. Myron Dorn [email protected] (402) 471-2620
Sen. Robert Dover [email protected] (402) 471-2929
Sen. Steve Erdman [email protected] (402) 471-2616
Sen. Loren Lippincott [email protected] (402) 471-2630
Sen. Mike McDonnell [email protected] (402) 471-2710
Sen. Tony Vargas [email protected] (402) 471-2721
Sen. Anna Wishart [email protected] (402) 471-2632
Next, we have reason to celebrate. The 2022 annual Trail Report is now available and it has many exciting new additions. One that has been on a lot of people’s minds is the Rock Island Trail crossing at Old Cheney. The underpass is a go!
Project descriptions and timelines are given for 19 projects, some of which were finished in 2022. Others are still in the planning stages. All can be found in the trail report. Read it and get excited!

The side path along Yankee Hill isn’t continuous yet, but it’s getting there.
Finally, the Complete Streets Committee has put out a call for suggestions on places to put a limited number of bike racks in the public right-of-way. They’re looking for places that are frequented by cyclists and that don’t have racks, or not enough of them. Send your suggestions to the City of Lincoln Bike Rack Program before March 31.