I know we’re all tired of waiting for some of those trail closures to be finished and open back up. Apparently, at least part of the problem is the same as the reason we’re still waiting for some of those online purchases to show up. The supply chain. Re-bar for the embankment on the Salt Creek Levee Trail under the train tracks near 1st and J streets hasn’t arrived yet, so the project sits, stalled. The Jamaica North Trail north of Saltillo languishes, waiting for a culvert to replace the deteriorating bridge. It’s hard to know when the work will be finished. The bike.lincoln.ne.gov site has a lot of great information, including winter cycling tips, and information about complete streets, but not recently updated trail closures. Our own bicyclincoln.org website has a closures section under “quick links” which is up to date on street closures, but since we get our intel from the city, again, current trail closure information is lacking. If anyone does know, please reach out to us so that we can include it. If I had a wish list for the city’s site, on snowy days it would include a trail map indicating which trails had been cleared, and when, so I wouldn’t suddenly find myself on an uncleared trail halfway into my commute. I know last year was a bit extreme, but what time trails were last cleared made a big difference some days. But I digress.

Our Lower Platte South Natural Resources District reminds us that a segment of the Oak Creek Trail is still closed after firearm hunting season this year because of reconstruction on the area of severe erosion one mile west of Valparaiso. The one-mile portion is expected to re-open in the spring after a long delay. The Homestead Trail is closed for a bridge replacement due to severe erosion, near Hickman, between Martell Road and South 25th Street. That project, too, is expected to be completed in the spring. With supply chain delays like they are however, I won’t be surprised if their completion dates get pushed back, too.

And finally, from the Nemaha NRD “Closure Update: Because of flood damages, the Steamboat Trace is closed from Brownville to approximately 2 miles south of Peru. The northern half of the trail (from Peru North) is now open, but users should exercise caution. Though we’ve opened this section of the trail, some areas still have rough spots where the limestone screenings were washed away. We’re fighting some erosion issues and still waiting for the levee that protects the trail and other ground in that area to be fixed. We do appreciate hearing from visitors if you encounter downed trees or other obstacles on the trail. We are continuing to work on options for opening more sections of the trail”.
If you hear of more closures, of openings, please pass them along.