We know we’re #1 in the National Bike Challenge, but now It’s time to see how we’ve done in the annual People for Bikes City Ratings. https://www.peopleforbikes.org/news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-2021-city-ratings

Drumroll- We’re Better Than Average at 72%. Out of 767 cities Lincoln came in at 213 in the overall ranking. This is the fourth year of the rankings and the first year it has been opened up internationally. How and what do they measure you ask? There are several categories that inform the selection. One is Network Analysis, which takes the bicycle network, with high-stress and Low-stress areas of the city and combines it with community perception from rider surveys. As a measure for the network, a timid biker is used. The main reason cited on surveys asking what barriers are in place to people not riding more is perceived safety.

But better than me explaining it, why not go to their site yourself and check it out. Another good explanation can be found at https://www.adventurecycling.org/blog/cities-for-bikes/.