With all the rides and races being promoted, you could be forgiven for thinking there’s no longer a pandemic. While the thought of people socializing and not wearing masks indoors is still worrisome, it’s recognized that outdoor activities like cycling have a very low risk factor, especially if you’re vaccinated. City trail riders, for the month of May, don’t forget the Tour De Lincoln. Meet at the Jane Snyder Trail Center every Thursday at 6:00 P.M. to explore a different quadrant of the city’s trails by bike. Also, the 19th annual Trail Trek will be back this year in June. Over the years Trail Trek has contributed over $200,000 to building trails in and around Lincoln. Check out GPTN.org for more information about these events. Another organization out there supporting you on the trails is the Great Plains Bicycling Club. On May 15 from 9-1 they will have a sag stop with snacks and water at the new Rock Island- Jamaica North Bridge connector. You can update your GPBC membership dues at the same time and get entered in a gift card drawing for a local bike shop.

The Lincoln Journal Star has been continuing to have some bike coverage. If you’ve been wondering what’s been going on with the Cowboy Trail, find out here. Also, if you think you’ve been seeing more riders on the trails this past pandemic year, you have, read about it here. Also on the trails, we just might finally get that long awaited direct trail along Salt Creek under the railway near J street. I’ve seen survey markers the last couple of weeks. It will take that detour and unpleasant narrow tunnel off the trail.

If you’re looking for a bike to ride, good luck. While some bikes have been re-stocked, others won’t be available until next year. Still, a good used bike is a better bet than a new department store bike. Quality counts with components, and it won’t weigh as much, giving you a better ride. There are a couple of used bike shops in town and groups focusing on bike sales on Facebook. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Master how to patch a tube and change a flat tire. Keep the tools you’ll need to do it with you, especially if you head out of town. Don’t leave your bike out in the weather at home, keep it locked up with a quality lock when you stop somewhere on your ride, and keep it clean and that chain lubed. And read Andy’s guest post from last week about bike maintenance.

This past weekend got a bit breezy, and had some chilly starts, but warmed up nicely. I got to go exploring new roads with some friends on Saturday, and managed a ride on Sunday that featured a relatively protected trail route into the wind, then a great, wide-open tailwind on the return. I saw a lot of people were in the trees on the single track, the other good option for a windy day. Still others went to Kansas for the Open Range race. Maybe next year. My friends who rode the 340 miles of Iowa Wind And Rock seem too have crawled back out of their respective pain caves and seem no worse for wear. That was an amazing accomplishment and gives the term endurance new meaning.
Whatever your cycling goals may be for this year, keep at it and have fun.