Some of us make resolutions, others do not. Do you have any cycling specific resolutions for the new year? Here are a few to consider.
Commute to work more (or at all). Ride all the trails of Lincoln, like the group of runners featured in Monday’s newspaper. I don’t think there’s a trail in Lincoln I haven’t ridden on at some time, but I may not have done them all in a single year, so that’s a thought. How about ride more singletrack, and become a better mountain biker? That would be a good one. Many are curious about gravel, so I have a suspicion that may be on the resolution list for some cyclists. Some I know are intending to sign up for their first race or organized ride. FYI, some are already filled, so don’t put off registering (guilty as charged) when you see one you really want to do.

How about that bike tour? I’ve talked to some that are wanting to do a multi-day tour or bikepacking this year. (yes, please) There’s the Tour de Nebraska, or Bike Ride Across Nebraska where all the planning is done for you. Or how about a destination bike trip, maybe to a race/ride?

Other worthy goals: ride every day of the year, learn more about how to service your bike(s). Become more active in the cycling community and promote cycling more. Maybe your goals are less lofty but still laudable; find a good route to a trail or to work/errands or ride in colder weather. Maybe it’s just to become more comfortable (and safer) riding in the street, or improve your bike handling skills.

Don’t know how to become more involved? You can join Great Plains Trail Network, or/and Great Plains Bicycle Club. Also, Bicyclincoln has subcommittees forming soon. There are cycling social groups such as the Nacho Ride when Spring gets here, for those that love the social aspect or just want to meet other cyclists. How about signing up for the National Bike Challenge and logging those miles when May rolls around? That’s how I found out that Lincoln has a cycling community.

Many set a yearly mileage goal, or maybe your goal is to get faster. Reaching it is a well deserved reason for a celebration. If you’re a resolution maker, let that be motivation to set some cycling goals for 2020.
I hope to log miles this year for the National Bike Challenge.
Excellent! It’s not hard one you’ve got it figured out.