You see a lot while you’re on the bike. Potholes. Dead animals. Face-smacking foliage. Signs mowed down by vehicles.

You might think to yourself, “Hmph! Someone should fix that!” Someone very well might, but they have to know about it first. Here’s where the City of Lincoln’s Action Center comes in. From the main City of Lincoln website, click on “City Service Request” under “Citizen Action Center” to get to this page:
You’ll notice on the side of that page that there are links to download a mobile app, too. If you carry a smartphone with you when you ride, it’s a good app to have. Here are the download links for each:
If you report the problem on-site using the app, you can send in your coordinates and even a photo. On the website, you can select the location on a map. With either reporting method, you’ll have a space to briefly describe the problem and the location. There’s a pretty long list of problems you can report to the city, including – but not limited to – these:
- Pothole
- Foliage blocking sidewalk
- Graffiti
- Street Light Out
- Street – Sweeping Request
While commuting on my bike, I’ve used the Action Center app to report a number of potholes, street lights out, dead animals, and that ripped sign above. I’ve been surprised every time by how quickly the city responds. It’s good to keep your expectations for response time low – especially now that I’ve told all of you about this! – but know that the City does review and respond to these requests. It’s a neat tool, and a great way to keep your usual routes rideable. Try it sometime!