Get Out and Ride: Sticker Hustlin’

Featured Event: Lincoln Hustle

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Sunset on a Warriors Hustle – Photo Credit egrindcore on Instagram

The Lincoln Hustle (#lnkhustle) is an urban bike race held on the last Thursday of every month in Lincoln. Generally, they’ll make a post the week of the race with a meeting time and place, start time, and cost. Most of the time they’ll start between 7pm and 8pm, cost can be anywhere from free to $5, and they’re usually meant to be completed within an hour. At the starting point you’ll get a card with instructions and/or checkpoints for that night’s hustle. Once it’s time to go, you’ll follow the instructions on the card, usually consisting of a list of checkpoints where you’ll need to complete a challenge in order to proceed. “Usually” being the key word here, because the host has complete control in throwing any curveballs along the way when putting together a hustle. For example, you may need to chug a beer in order to “cross the finish line” at the end. Maybe one of the checkpoints has instructions to grab a six pack before proceeding to the finish line. Perhaps you’ll have to run into a super market and find an obscure item to bring to a checkpoint. As you can see, the possibilities are endless and each hustle has it’s own unique flavor.

It’s definitely not an official race with a bunch of rules and regulations, but there is a “code of ethics” that are in place to ensure everyone has a good time. Check them out below:

  1. Have fun, ride bikes!
  2. You are responsible for you. Take only risks you want to take, since you’re the one suffering the consequences.
  3. Get creative.
  4. Make new friends. Go fast or go slow, it’s your choice.
  5. Be competitive if you want to, but don’t be a jerk. Especially not to volunteers hosting checkpoints.
  6. Enjoy participating in hustles? Consider hosting one. It’s often more fun than racing.
  7. Lights required. Helmet if you value your brain.
  8. Decide to bail out mid-race? Let the organizer know so they’re not worried about you.

Come on down this Thursday and DO THE HUSTLE!

Featured Event: Commuter Club


There’s no better way to end the work week then coming down to Ploughshare and enjoying a drink with your friends on the BicycLincoln team. Come hang out with us and other Lincoln cyclist this Friday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm! This month, we will also be distributing our all-weather vinyl helmet stickers which will get you some special perks from our quickly growing list of partners around Lincoln.

Stop on by and say “hi”, grab a drink and some food, and be sure to snag a sticker to get in on some sweet deals.

This Week’s Calendar:

Monday (May 23)

Tuesday (May 24)

Wednesday (May 25)

Thursday (May 26)

Friday (May 27)

Saturday (May 28)

Sunday (May 29)

  • Nothing on the calendar yet…
    • Throw something together and let us know!

Get Out and Ride (GOAR) is a Sunday night blog post that we’ll do our best to consolidate all the bicycling events, rides, and races coming up in the next week into one easy to digest list of details and links with a different featured event each week. The plan will be to update these posts with more events and details as the week goes on, and help get more people in the know about cycling related activities around Lincoln. Feel free to email us at with events we may have missed, updates to events we have listed, or future events in the coming weeks.