If you’ve been paying attention to your Bicyclincoln.org announcements, you know that barring unforeseen circumstances this Monday is the long anticipated opening of the N Street Protected Bikeway. If you haven’t watched the informational videos detailing lane markings and signals, then you should do so.
You can go to #BikeNStreet #LNK Downtown Lincolnlincoln.ne.gov/city/plan/bike/nstreet.htm or
http://1.usa.gov/1RSsR4L or simply see last week’s bicyclincoln.org posts on Facebook for links to the videos. It even placed 4th on peopleforbikes.org’s 10 best new bike lanes of 2015!

On top of that, the Rock Island trail opened last Thursday under the Penny Bridges, wide and well-lit, and the Billy Wolfe under 27th and Capitol Parkway is so close to being finished we can almost taste it. Winter riding in Lincoln is about to become a little easier. In weather like we’ve been having, there’s really no reason not to get out and enjoy it.

That being said however, do keep in mind that the limestone and dirt trails can remain boggy and muddy since they don’t dry out as fast in cooler weather. You can even find a bit of ice and snow in protected areas. Still, it’s beautiful out there and quite different from when it was leaf covered.