Action Needed: Hwy 77 and Hwy 2 reclassification

As plans for the South Beltway take shape, it’s come to our attention that little comment from cyclists has been heard. Part of the issue is that sections of HWY 77 and HWY 2 are going to be reclassified as freeways, meaning no bikes allowed on the shoulder. What will this do? Well, for cyclists wanting to ride on pavement, it’s going to be difficult and dangerous to get south of town. Alternate roadways in the area don’t have shoulders yet have heavy vehicle traffic, putting cyclists into a much less safe situation. And for cycle-tourists visiting our city, this cuts off a nice access route into Lincoln.

If the planners and government officials don’t hear from cyclists, then our needs won’t be considered. Please, take a moment to share your concerns, and share with others, too!

You can view some proposed alternate routes, courtesy of Brent Davis, here: Proposed Routes for Cyclists – 2013.

Then, please contact the following folks, letting them know cyclists need to be considered in the planning process!

Randy Peters, Director of the NDOR [email protected]

Greg Weinert, NDOR Public Involvement [email protected]

Mayor Chris Beutler [email protected]


3 thoughts on “Action Needed: Hwy 77 and Hwy 2 reclassification

  1. Marc Walter

    Where are you getting your information? I don’t see any problem with accessing Hwy 2 or Hwy 77. There will be access roads along 77. What exactly is an access road? You’ll be able to get to the access roads via 14th str and rokeby or Saltillo. Please post where you are getting your information. It’s not good policy to just send emails out without informing us on the details. Here is a link showing what I’m talking about

  2. Davi75h

    What you SHOULD be worried about is the INSANE set up of bike lanes in the downtown area…A bike lane between 2 lanes of traffic? Who thought THAT was a good Idea?

    • Marc Walter

      There’s probably another blog article discussing your issue. Let’s not side track this one.

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